New Author

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C.S Johnson is the author of Body Jumper a new paranormal book. Body Jumper is available on Amazon! Link to the page

Enjoy reading a little paranormal action this January.

Be on the lookout for C.S Johnson’s latest book Lady Grace about a woman who returns to her family home to claim a spiritual inheritance and battle the Phantoms and Ghosts that had been unleashed after her grand mama’s death

#Books, #read, #newauthor


How to achieve your dreams!

How to achieve your dreams!

Of course there is no straight forward way to achieve your dreams but in this Blog post I’ll highlight a couple things that’ll help motivate you. Hopefully these points will get you up and moving and excited about the future.

“A dream is a wish your heart makes when you’re past asleep.”


Ever dreamt of starting your own company? Owning a jet or flying to Paris for dinner on a whim? Ever wanted to travel the world? What ever your dream is, here are a few ways to help you achieve them, (or get you excited about again!)

  • Keep a constant reminder!

I will give you an example of what I do. One of my dreams is to watch a football match live at the Santiago Bernabeu. So I kept a scarf of the football team on my dresser so that I could see it everyday that I wake up. I haven’t achieved this dream yet but I’m ever eager about it everytime I watch my team play on TV or when I wake to that scarf staring back at me.

Try keeping something that reminds you of your dream, a picture or a quote or anything you like and when you feel discouraged just look at it and remember that one day you’ll get there.

  • Keep on going, don’t stop.

Everyone has to work the extra mile to achieve their dream especially if they’re extravagant dreams like owning your own airline. These might take years to come true, but dreams do come true! You just have to make them come true.

Some of you reading this have been working for years and are probably thinking, “I’ve been at this for years and I’m tired. I think I’m never going to get it!” I’m going to tell you if you stop you’ll never get it, but if you keep on going no matter how long it’s been and how many times you’ve failed, you should keep going. And sooner or later you’ll get there and it’ll feel like heaven.

  • Keep a positive mind

I’ve come to realize this is one of the hardest and easiest things for a person to do. It’s difficult because we’re put in situations where it’s just hard to be positive. All you want to do is yell and think the worst. It’s easy to fall in that state of mind when the world seems to be crumbling on that particular day. Though it’s easy to tell yourself that, “today things will go my way, ” or “Even though I failed to get that or this didn’t happen for me today but I believe something better is going to happen.”

Keep a positive mind you won’t become immune to disappointment but you might just get accustomed to great things. So give it a go. Wink face and see what happens.

  • Timing

I believe there is no better time to start than now! There’s no need to wait! You wanna start your own design company but are worried that you’re still in high school. Don’t! Start now, get started on your best work and send it out in faith that someone just might see it.

You’re never too young to start fighting for your dreams, or too old to start chasing them. You’ll always start small but as you keep on going you’ll see everything expand and explode, (in a good way😄)

  • Last but not least be ambitious

You have set your goals but do not be afraid to set more and more and be extraordinary about them, who’s to say they won’t happen? Focus on your dreams and expand them as long as you try you’ll get there!

Thanks for reading. Dream Big.

My top 10 book recommendations

This is my first official piece on bloggerville and it happens to be about the thing I love very much. Books! I’d like to share my top ten favorite books with you.

  • Heidi, I’m sure most of you have heard of Heidi the classic children’s novel and probably most of you have read it. For those of you who haven’t this is a beautiful story following the life of a girl who was sent to live with her grandfather. It’s a charming tale that’s suitable for all ages.
  • The Substitute by Denise Grover Swank. This whirlwind of a book will have you turning pages into the night. Meghan Vandemeer is heading home minus the fiancee she told her family she had by the time she gets of the plane she’s drunk and found herself a substitute husband. Chaos follows her as it naturally would when you’re lying about the man you’re supposed to marry. This book has an over protective best friend and a mom who feels like she’s the bride and a grandmother you’ll probably never forget. Check out Megan and Josh’s unexpected but beautiful story.
  • At number 8 I’ve got Seven Sisters by M.L Bullock. This historic paranormal series is spooky and intriguing for those of you who are paranormal lovers. This tale has mystery under every page. It’s not too scary so can be read by anyone 13 and up.
  • The Fallen Star by Jessica Sorensen. One of the best books I’ve read. The Fallen Star is the first book in the fallen star series. It follows Gemma Lucas who harbors the power of a fallen star inside her and Alex Avery son of Stephen Avery, the man who practically destroyed Gemma’s life before it actually began. You’ll be turning pages and buying book 2 (The Underworld) as soon as you’re close to finishing the first book. This is one for you supernatural fanatics.
  • Lie to Me by Natasha Preston. This beautiful crafted romance novel was one I barely saw coming. Savannah is running away from her past and the people that hurt her, but a couple years later it still hurts but she’s climbing out of the shell she built and is ready to start a new life. Kent is a good looking bad boy who doesn’t trust women anymore after a nasty breakup. When they first met it’s gunshots and not in a good way. Lie to me is a story that will take you by storm!
  • Shattered Rose by Tammy L. Grey. This is a book I recommend to everyone when I get the chance. This is a book for anyone especially girls who can’t seem to love themselves right now. You might relate to Avery Nichols a girl who struggles to love herself the way she should. You might fall in love with her when she meets her roommates cousin Jake. You might get heart broken, friendship and redemption. This Christian contemporary will take you on the ride of life and a little discovery and show you that true love truly does exist.
  • The Pawn by Skye Warren. Book 1 in the end game trilogy. Another book that took me totally by surprise! This one is definitely for mature readers. This one is about Avery and her fight for her family’s legacy after they lose everything when her father loses everything and everyone except her. This intriguing dark cat and mouse game is an exciting read one that will leave you aching for more.
  • The Apartment by Danielle Steel. I’d recommend this book because it’s light and easy to read. It follows the lives of 4 women totally different but connected because of the apartment. They’re all still trying to figure life out but they all end up back at the apartment in Hell’s Kitchen. The place that binds them and makes them a little bit more than friends.
  • Love me Love me not by SM KOS. A story of starting over and falling down. The beautiful story of Hailey and Brad and their unique love will have you rooting for them. Hailey’s struggle to overcome her obstacles and make it in life might just inspire you. They obstacles they will face will make them stronger even though some seem bigger than others. This one is more than just a love story, it’s about forgiveness and finding not just yourself but family too.
  • Battlefield of The Mind by Joyce Meyer. I’ve got this one because of the real impact it has on people’s lives more than any book I’ve recommended. It’s suitable for all ages! And has some tips to help with daily life that I found very helpful. That’s why I gave Battlefield of the Mind top spot.

That was my top ten and my very first piece! Please come and check out next week what else I’ll have posted. Looking forward to hearing from y’all.